2016 - Aug 31, 2016

November fair: 1st Chinese Industrial and Technology Parks fair to come to Zurich

The first one of its kind, the Industrial and Technology Parks Fair to take place in Zurich this November is a golden opportunity for the industrial or technology parks in China to introduce themselves to Swiss investors seeking market entry in China. For Swiss and European SMEs, the fair will facilitate direct contact with representatives of Chinese industry and technology parks, and allow European businesses to learn to better seize opportunities of China’s rapid globalization and “technology thirst”.

The fair will last one full day on 1st November in Technopark Zurich, Switzerland. Swiss Centers China, in collaboration with the Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Swiss MEM and Greater Zurich Area, has the pleasure of co-organising the occasion. Registration is open now through the Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce until 16th September. For more information download the detailed description and registration information here.